第三百一十一章 轩然大波(4/5)
“ the &nf the &nf fa &nt fixed, any spirit &n&nple&nther is &nur&n&nn, &nresee the next fe years ill certaly &nre&np ic artists&n&n , &nnally &nsitive&nut&n a illenniu achievent aard&nrr as &nrtant bellether&nr&nn&n &nck &nll &nf fa.“
摇滚名人堂与博物馆(the&nck &nll &nf fa and eu)基金会新任主席、知名音乐历史学家、柯蒂斯音乐学院教授john sykes这通发言让论战晋升白热化,旨在扩大基金会影响力的sykes教授坦言名人堂的入驻规则并非一成不变,任何能将年轻人连接在一起的精神都会受到评委会持续关注,可以预见未来几年肯定将有更多的嘻哈音乐艺术家加入进来,他本人对把千禧成就大奖当作抉择下一位摇滚名人堂晋升者的重要风向标这一观点持积极态度。
在此之前互联网上绝大部分的热度均是由日常不大对付的各区狂热嘻哈粉撕逼所贡献的,而风向标一说出来后,dr.super&n的遗孀和堂弟率先下场表态此奖非超级药丸博士莫属,稍晚些opponent&npher&nnd也通过社交媒体发声未来将全力争奖,以性格偏激著称的radric davis则直接混了首《that sht is e》当作回应,唯有彻头彻尾消失五年多且生涯从未发行过正式专辑的issac yen被大家自然而然地当作敬配末席的局外人,然而马文·戈麦斯只用了一条推特外加两张图片便入局成功并籍此掀起一场轩然大波。
…< terave,&n the&nn&nf &nendary&nrdsan,&n the&n's return.
0:00 a.. &nn the 18th, the artial art epic asterpiece《the&nend&nf &nrdsan》starred &nscar&n actress&nle and chese&n&nr&n yi &n&nut at theaters&nnide&nf ifc center, quad circuit theater, and cea&ne &nn ti. &nendary&nend&nf the &nast issac yen ill&n&n &nendarily&n &nfailiar partner the dy the ask. anhile, the &nf &nrk&n asked &n say &n all &nld friends.