第356章 有些Hold不住我女儿(2/5)
麦莉看完短片,像是热恋中的小女孩似的,脸上表现得异常高兴,她非常流利地说着英文:“I like Tian very much. He is tall and handsome, and he has eight abdominal muscles. He often takes me to eat all kinds of delicious food and take me to the gym. He likes everything I like. We have no problem municating in English, and he will teach me to speak Chinese. I feel very good.”
女主持人非常惊讶她这么喜欢男嘉宾,她用英语问她:“Wow?!Miley, are you telling the truth?(哇塞?!麦莉,你说的是真的吗?)”
麦莉点点头,一双碧蓝色的眼睛闪着兴奋的光芒,她睫毛微微忽闪,点头如捣蒜:“Yse,I think he's the man I'm looking for!(是的,我觉得他就是我想找的男人!)”
男主持人闻言,表示祝福:“Okay, then I wish you all the best!(好吧,那么祝福你们!)”