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第324章 只有一个克里斯蒂亚诺(3/5)


音乐声缓缓响起,那轻快又充满激情的旋律瞬间传遍了整个球场。紧接着,他们共同唱响了那首《只有一个克里斯蒂亚诺》(There Is One Cristiano)。朱莉娅·罗伯茨那富有感染力的嗓音率先开场,清脆的歌声回荡在球场:

“there is one Figo and Ricardo

there is Jose and Deco a Carlos, Ferreira, Femando

there is a Nani and Peseiro

there is a Manuel,Sabrosa and one

who is know as Mourinho

there is Fuego amd Figaro Radio, video, Tvo, Piano,Torpedo

there is Kilo and there is Dominothere is Tomato, Potato and Bravo

And there is ONE HERO!”


书页 目录
好书推荐: 别墅通古代,我把王爷全家养歪了 夫人别装了,侯爷能偷听你心声 末日:手持空间,我囤百亿物资 离婚后前妻闺蜜疯狂追求我 你是我的蓁星宸意 凡行天路 宿主他是万物迷,不需要攻略 穿成太子替身?我反手夺得皇位 从末世穿越兽世,她躺赢了 千金小厨娘